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If you’ve ever attended a retreat with icebreakers, you might have enjoyed a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors which is a hand game usually played between two people. At the count of three, the players simultaneously form one of three possible shapes with an outstretched hand. Each shape represents either a “rock,” “paper,” or “scissors.” It might…

The Uses and Abuses of PowerPoint
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The Uses and Abuses of PowerPoint

For the sake of this article, I refer to the most commonly used presentation software but there are other tools available, such as Powtoon, which is free, works best with Google Drive, and claims that PowerPoint software is “so twentieth century.” Perhaps you’ve heard about the book titled “Death by PowerPoint: How to Avoid Killing…

Happy Holidays 2017

Happy Holidays 2017

Happy Holidays to my friends and blog-readers! This has been quite a month with the Thomas Fire consuming our attention. But keep in mind the holidays that most women were attending to: Chanukah began Tuesday, December 12th and ended in the evening of Wednesday, December 20th. Friends who were evacuated stayed with us through this…

A High Stakes, Big-Impact Presentation Benefits from a Professional Coach (The Likability Penalty Part 3)

A High Stakes, Big-Impact Presentation Benefits from a Professional Coach (The Likability Penalty Part 3)

While few of us will run for office, those of us in business or professional life often need to “campaign” for funding, endorsements, or promotions. To advance our cause, we need to become dynamic speakers. Overcoming public speaking anxiety isn’t rocket science requiring clinical interventions. People who are motivated can become more self-confident speakers if…

Political Debates Make the Double Standard Transparent (The Likability Penalty – Part 2)
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Political Debates Make the Double Standard Transparent (The Likability Penalty – Part 2)

Click here to read the first post in this series. The societal double standard about women’s and men’s roles that defines how and where women should speak and what they should speak about put Hillary into a double bind position. No matter what she did or said, she couldn’t win over enough of the 62,979,636…

The Likability Penalty – Part 1
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The Likability Penalty – Part 1

The most common reason given by registered voters for not voting on Election Day, Tuesday November 7, 2017, was that they didn’t like the candidates. Hillary Clinton should have won the Presidency and made history as the first woman President of the United States. Candidate Clinton had a killer resume: Secretary of State, two terms…

John Boehner

This is a sample page with an embedded image from Getty Images A few concerns: we wouldn’t be able to wrap the text around the image, so we would have some limitations on how we could format the page. We also can’t size the image, so we are stuck with whatever they make available to…

6 Tips for Increasing Your Likability Quotient
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6 Tips for Increasing Your Likability Quotient

In terms of how women present themselves, they need ”to be three times as good and ten times as confident” as men (quote from film director Hope Dickson Leach). Fail to do this and you won’t be perceived to be as likable as a man presenting the same idea and your message won’t get heard….

Rising to the Occasion: Stressed but Ready to Speak Up!

Rising to the Occasion: Stressed but Ready to Speak Up!

The dictionary defines “rising to the occasion” as showing that “you have the courage and wits to deal with a difficult situation successfully.” In these contentious times, speaking up to express an opinion can become a difficult situation. From congregations to campuses, friends, colleagues, couples, and even whole families have felt deep divisions after the…

Present yourself “on air”: What makes a good interview?
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Present yourself “on air”: What makes a good interview?

Do you have a new project or product that would be interesting to clients, customers, subscribers, or investors? An interview-whether via podcast or during a studio interview-is a great way to get the word out, but prepare yourself. You’re not saying “yes” to having a casual conversation. Good interviewers such as Terry Gross (Fresh Air)…