Click here to sign up now: XLRN 809.65 – 001 – Negotiation Skills for Women Professionals
Panel of experts include:
Mayor, Helene Schneider
Attorney, Beth Collins Burgard
CEO, Kerry McCoy
Through the initial intake process, Dr. Phillips ensures that clients are training their personnel in the right areas of skill mastery, and that skills gained can be measured in specific ways. Using a combination of brief lectures and experiential learning, Dr. Phillips “practices what she teaches” in being a dynamic presenter. Each person leaves her workshops with an Action Plan for ongoing continuous learning.
Presentation skills training for managers, leaders, and board members
- Becoming a Dynamic Public Speaker
- Gender and cross-cultural issues in Public Speaking
- Make the Pitch! Training in asking donors and foundations for financial support
- Practice with media technology to increase poise and confidence
- Professional Presentation Skills for Attorneys
Customized media skills training
- Identify and practice scenarios where interview skills play a crucial role
- Find your key message and learn how to “stay on message”
- Polish your image and link it to business objectives
- Predict the Q and A minefields and remain “Cool” under pressure
- Learn to pitch your ideas and proposals
- Learn crisis communication techniques
Facilitating Lively Meetings & Conference Calls
- How to plan for a meeting of any type
- The art of Agendas, Meeting Notes, and Documentation of Agreements & Decisions
- Using technology for reports and updates
- Tricks for engaging people for a lively meeting
Strategic Planning Processes to include:
- Stakeholder Mapping to identify & engage partners
- Creating clarity: Prioritizing expectations, needs, and goals
- Preparation and SWOT: “scan of the external and internal environment”
- Structuring the meeting to ensure lively participation
- Using Templates and Worksheets for Tracking the Process
- Use and abuse of PowerPoint
- Use technology for reports and updates
- Plan for implementation and follow up
- Roll out the polished Plan through a coherent PR effort
Higher Education Consulting and Training
- Development of leadership and management skills relevant to academic cultures
- Climate studies, problem solving, and action planning
- Evaluation of programs and projects
- Board and Staff Planning Retreats
Retreats for Creative Reflection, Renewal, and Professional Development
- Customized meetings in off-site settings that spark creative discussions
- Leadership assessment (the individual, the team, the organization)
- Visioning processes and exercises that help individuals to focus on their priorities and values
- Action planning that identifies the steps in achieving your goals.