New Role Models at the Podium: Raising Awareness and Making Waves
As the holidays claim my attention, here’s what I’m thinking, noticing, and asking: 2019 Role Models Emerge from the Impeachment Hearings Women’s Voice: Will we…
As the holidays claim my attention, here’s what I’m thinking, noticing, and asking: 2019 Role Models Emerge from the Impeachment Hearings Women’s Voice: Will we…
Business photo created by katemangostar – www.freepik.comCandid conversations can move the needle in advancing progress, particularly if you’re speaking with someone who controls resources or…
Imagine yourself in a group discussion about a controversial issue. Have you had the self-confidence to take a stand when your opinion was solicited? It’s…
Dedication: Ruth Bader Ginsburg I think she (Ginsburg) taught me how important it is to not be scared to speak publicly …and to be fearless…….
If you are asked to introduce the speaker or a panel for a meeting or event, you may not realize what an important role you…
The actress Jennifer Lawrence recently wrote about a disheartening experience she had expressing an opinion to a man who worked for her (versus the other…
In the book Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg asks, “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” addressing the self-doubts that hold many women back. Unfortunately,…
If you’ve ever attended a retreat with icebreakers, you might have enjoyed a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors which is a hand game usually played between two…
Click here to read the first post in this series. The societal double standard about women’s and men’s roles that defines how and where women…
The most common reason given by registered voters for not voting on Election Day, Tuesday November 7, 2017, was that they didn’t like the candidates….