Political Debates Make the Double Standard Transparent (The Likability Penalty – Part 2)
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Political Debates Make the Double Standard Transparent (The Likability Penalty – Part 2)

Click here to read the first post in this series. The societal double standard about women’s and men’s roles that defines how and where women…

Hillary Clinton’s Chortle, Giggle, Cackle, or Chuckle: Who’ll have the last laugh?
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Hillary Clinton’s Chortle, Giggle, Cackle, or Chuckle: Who’ll have the last laugh?

When a woman seeks the top executive position in this country, she takes a huge risk. Every pundit and source of opposition will find ways…

At the Podium, Women Manage Stress Better Than Men Do
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At the Podium, Women Manage Stress Better Than Men Do

I’ll find out how well I manage stress when I face 400 people at the Girls Inc. “Celebrity Luncheon” on Thursday, October 30.  Of course, I’d…